Tuesday 12 August 2008


Once more I've confused Bill Bailey and Mitch Benn. Mitch Benn, I apologise for calling you Bill Bailey. Bill Bailey I apologise for accusing you of plagiarism. I must also apologise to Jeremy Clarkson for not crediting him with calling the Ka a 'teapot' and to the band 'Gong' for using their album title "flying teapot".

(Speaking of Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear is one of the funniest programs on the TV. It's a shame they spoil the show with the odd dull bit about cars and their fuel injected camshafts with turbo brake horse powered manifolds.)

Apologies also for all those people who have come to this blog searching for the Incredible String Band's album title "Wee Tam and The Big Huge" and not finding anything about said album ('cos I used the title in an earlier posting). Personally I love "The Big Huge" half for its general weirdness.Wee Tam is pretty good, but not up to the high standards of the first three ISB albums. So there.

And apologies in advance to all those coming to this post in the future expecting to find something about a sitcom featuring the huge star Ronnie Corbett. Sorry.

Apologies to the fish I ate last night, but you were rather tasty. Yum.

Apologies to all those who made and worked on the new X-Files movie for my next sentence. It wasn't very good. You've taken what would have been a run-of-the-mill TV episode, made it twice as long, added several holes in the plot and got rid of the "will they/won't they" excitement between the leading characters. Bah!

I must also apologise for my bus like tendencies in not posting for ages,then sending two at once.


Answers to spot the difference.

Part 1. Bill Bailey has a moustache, Mitch Benn has a beard.

Part 2. That is not my car in the top picture. My pointy hat isn't green.

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